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SmartEP-ASSR is a full-featured, auditory steady state response testing system that gives you versatility and flexibility. SmartEP-ASSR is an indispensable tool when trying to determine an audiogram or when performing hearing aid fitting when behavioral testing is impractical. SmartEP-ASSR takes the guesswork out of audiometric evaluation by providing threshold detection with statistical analysis for easy diagnosis, allowing you to spend more time with your patients. Advanced capabilities, such as testing using complex stimuli composed of up to 8 frequencies per ear at a time, reduce testing and response analysis time. Built in features allow you to create your own stimulus including modulated tones, clicks and ramping stimulus

SmartEP Details


  • Windows interface with multi-tasking capabilities.
  • Integrated, shared database for all IHS programs.
  • Built-in system calibration and self check modules.
  • Automatic default parameters allow for fast start-up and testing.
  • User-selectable artifact rejection level and rejection time region.
  • Automated response detection and threshold information for each tested frequency with the use of spectral and statistical techniques.
  • Multiple graphical response displays, including time and spectral data representation.
  • Phasor diagram to illustrate response strength.
  • Phase-Intensity graph for tracking response delays.
  • Print reports including demographics and testing parameters to any windows supported printer.


대표자명: 신현화

사업자 등록 번호: 119-09-53217

연락처: 02-2028-0852

팩스: 02-2028-0853

주소: 08378 서울 구로구 디지털로34길 27 대륭포스트타워3차 1307, 1308호

주소(부설연구소): 35350 대전광역시 서구 도안북로93번길 20-5, 603호